Free Imaging Software
- 3D Slicer - software for visualization, processing, segmentation, registration, and analysis of medical, biomedical, and other 3D images and meshes
- Dragonfly - multifaceted imaging analysis platform that includes deep learning modules for segmentation and denoising, free for non-commercial use
- Fiji - distribution bundle of ImageJ that includes various plugins to facilitate imaging analysis, working with any type of imaging including DICOM and microscopy eg for bone morphometry
- Horos - DICOM viewing platform with clinical-style interface, tools, reconstruction and analysis capabilities
- IMAIOS - online or app platform for viewing DICOM imaging, jpeg or zip
- ITK-SNAP - free, open-source, multi-platform software application used to segment structures in 3D and 4D biomedical images
- OSIRIX – stand-alone image viewer for any platform; fast to install and fast multiplanar image reconstructions
- Stradview - software for any type of DICOM visualisation, including volume rendering, multiplanar reformatting, segmentation, 3-D mesh object creation, cortical bone mapping, and joint space mapping
- SurfStat - MATLAB toolbox for performing statistical parametric mapping analysis of surface-based data
- wxDICOM - software for metal artefact reduction in computed tomography DICOM imaging
- wxRegSurf - software for rigid and non-rigid registration of 3-D mesh objects (e.g. bones segmented from DICOM imaging), surface data smoothing and transfer between objects